DIA issues guidance to real estate industry

The Department of Internal Affairs has issued guidance to the real estate industry following the enactment of Regulations specific to this industry. We recommend that anyone engaged in real estate assess whether they fall under the AML/CFT regime, and if they do, ensure that they take the necessary steps to comply.

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NationalDean Crowle
How China’s banks can approach the AML challenge

Chinese regulators have made it clearer than ever that anti-money laundering (AML) is a major priority, with the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) recently posting on its website a notice from the State Council -- the government’s main executive body -- that elevates AML to a key part of the national strategy on financial regulation.

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InternationalDean Crowle
Auckland-based money remitter Qian DuoDuo moved almost $95m from China to NZ without having enough information to trace transactions back to their originators

Auckland-based money remitter Qian DuoDuo Limited, prosecuted by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) under anti-money laundering legislation, moved almost $95 million from China to New Zealand without having enough information to trace transactions back to the originator, a court judgment says.

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NationalDean Crowle
How Britain enables routine, everyday corruption and fraud in the ex-USSR

IN Armenia and Siberia there are questions about millions of dollars of missing tax. In Kazakhstan, holidaymakers are complaining about a hard-sell timeshare scheme.

These are all routine stories of crime, corruption and unethical trading published in the former Soviet Union over the last two months.

They all have one thing on common: at their very centre is the alleged abuse of a Scottish limited partnership or SLP, the corporate structure long dubbed “Britain’s home-grown secrecy vehicle”.

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InternationalDean Crowle